Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Good things to come!


First, THANK YOU all for all the birthday emails! I'd love to respond to them all but I only have an hour to write and I gotta dedicate at least half of it to writing mom! Thank you all.  I love you guys! 

This week started off rough. We had two bad days and decided we had to change something... so we went home in the middle of the day and decided we needed to humble ourselves. We prayed and repented separately and after we did so together, then we went and worked hard!  It all went uphill from there!

Shortly after we found two new families!  One of them is a family of a bunch of older ladies. They just don't get more Catholic! They invited us to eat, and we invited them to baptism! They politely rejected but it was okay cause we still ate. ;)  The other family is the "R" Family!  We only had 15 minutes to teach them, cause we had to get home on time, and we couldn't find them any other day we visited. The 15 minutes was enough for them to feel the Spirit though, because they showed up at Church! They loved it and we are hoping to baptize all of them this next month.

We've been teaching "M" too. She's 16, and her parents are going through a divorce. She's the first person I've taught in all my time in Mexico that has not been baptized in any church. All her family is atheist, but she's gotta firm faith. She's the first investigator I have that also reads all the pamphlets we give, and even does the additional study. She teaches us!

Its been a pretty good week...just a series of miracles for me! We went from not having any success to having a very bright future in a matter of days. President Monson was right on when he said, "Your future is as bright as your faith."

I love the Lord!

Elder Minnick

Monday, January 18, 2016



I can't really remember the last time I wrote...my bad. Don't be too mad!  I'll be home in like five months :0

I'm with Elder Meneses now... He is from California. I'll just say we talk a lot of Spanglish and we just laugh too much. I'd be lying if I told y'all we don't have too much fun but its okay cause we are obedient and work hard. He always says he's the bad cop and I'm the good cop. He usually tells people to repent and then I reinforce it with a lot of inspiring stuff to take the sting off a little. It usually works pretty well... usually. ;)

I would also be lying if I told you we've been having a ton of success. We've been finding a lot of people, and teaching some really powerful lessons. Some of the most spiritual lessons I've ever had in my mission I've had in these last two weeks. We've got a lot of Investigators that are receiving testimonies but then the real problems come in... Abusive spouses, money problems, legal problems, or justing getting robbed. You name it!  These good people are going through it all. 

Sometimes we get a little tempted to look at all these black dots in on the white wall of our area, but we've just been focusing on looking up! It'd be real easy for us to just give up and complain all day but I've learned from many experiences that acting like that gets you absolutely no where! 

I often think of my Savior, who had a lot of long hot days without much success. He suffered and prayed with and for the people He taught. He cried with them, and laughed with them too. Even when He suffered the most, He turned out! He kept working, and trying, giving it all He could. And when things got really dark, He gave His life!

The Savior hasn't asked me to die in this work, but He has asked me to give my life to missionary service for two years! As I count my many blessings, I realize it is a very small price to pay :)

Zane, you look taller every time I see pics of you!

Love y'all,

Elder Minnick

Monday, January 4, 2016


Hi mom!! 

How are ya!  I liked your letter!

Good to hear all went well with whit and tay wedding!  I don't even wanna think about home... I woke up super early today in a cold sweat cause I realized I only have 6 months left. All the sisters that came with me go home this week... time flies!

I gotta new comp today. That's 4 comps for 4 changes... and he goes home this next change.  So I'll be here in my ward for at least 2 more changes. His name is Elder Meneses.  He already knows you cause every time you have called or emailed the office, he answered.... he says you're already good friends. hahaha but ya he's about as dead as it gets. but we will see how it goes.

I'm happy, healthy, and ready for the new year! love ya mom!
