Monday, August 18, 2014

Padre and Madre - I love this place!


No time at all today!!!  But let me tell ya.... I LOVE THIS!  Best day of my life.  I don't meet my comp till tomorrow, but I've been doing splits today in the area around my mission home with a guy that speaks no English!!!!  Its awesome!!!! I love this momma! P-day is Monday and I'll be sure to give you all the dirty deeets next week! Querétaro is super nice.  Some parts are nicer than home.  Our mission president lives in a neighborhood that is as big as Pepperwood and as nice as Draper Heights!  But the area I'm tracting in now is the opposite :)  I love the people and I love my mission. I can't wait to meet my comp and see where I'm going.  Presidente Mejorada and his family are awesome! I had my interview with him and I really like him.. anyway I'm safe and healthy and most of all I'm happy. I don't understand much but I'm learning mas Espanol all day every day. I love it here. Querétaro is my favorite place on this whole earth --  I love you. Pass my love on to the rest of the family :)


First day in the field is nutz! I am happy! Its all about attitude, and I feel the spirit all the time, so its easy to be happy. This whole mission thing is single handily the greatest thing to ever happen to me in my life. I want to tell you that I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you. I am eternally grateful. The Spanish is difficult but not impossible. When I speak with the spirit I speak with power, I don't understand a lot but I know what to say. I am excited to learn and grow and become an awesome missionary. I had a interview con el presidente. He is awesome.  Right on the line. I can tell he doesn't have much patience for disobedience, so I'm going to be the most obedient missionary in the field. I feel worthy. I am imperfect, but I am worthy, and I can say this -- I am eternally grateful for the enabling power of the atonement.

Querétaro is awesome. Seriously such a beautiful place. The President lives in a gated community, nicer than ours.  Maybe not as big as houses, but I did see like three ladies driving around Cayennes.  And its huge --the whole city. I talked to one of the native APs for about an hour this morning. There are about 170 missionaries in my mission. Each companionship averages about 8 baptisms a month, and every Sunday at least 10 investigators come to church. Not much tracting here. All our investigators are references. Its a mission rule that we ask for references during every visit, with members, and investigators. I already had dinner at a members house -- I prayed, and bore my testimony. She was baptized last month. Really cool. Don't know what I ate though. Some type of stomach. I don't care what it is, mostly cause I have a firm knowledge that nothing I eat will kill me, and if I get sick.... well pain is temporary and the Lord told Joseph Smith "peace be unto thy soul because thy afflictions will be but a small moment..." something like that... either way I'm not worried about my body while I'm out here... mostly because if I die out here I'm going straight to the celestial kingdom :) Sorry this is all over the place but I'm just getting it all out...haha!   I don't even have any of my luggage, or my shoulder bag...its all back at the office, so all I got is my name tag.

Mexico is a different planet. Its crazy. Everything is crazy everywhere, but the people are so much nicer... like we just contacted some lady who was walking down the street, she was smoking and carrying like 3 kids but she still took the time to hear our short message and give us her information. I feel like back home, people aren't nice enough to sacrifice a second of their time to hear something so important for them. The people here are genuinely friendly and awesome. They all seem to want to help me with my Spanish. 

I'd send pics but I don't have my camera. 

I'm really excited. I think every ounce of home sickness is gone.


Elder Minnick

Tam Note: These pics came on his last day in MTC...
My district!

My bff teacher Hermano Villegas
He proposed to his GF in front of the temple on Thursday!  He has  been off his mission for a year... I wanna be just like this guy... he is coool :)

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