Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday Miracles!

Happy CHRISTmás Week!
I'm a happy boy today. Bought myself a cowboy hat and belt buckle for Christmas...Dad would be proud.  Super excited to see and talk to my FAMILY this week. I'll be a little anxious until Christmas is over.  Can't wait to see your smiling faces!  Family really is the best gift of Christmas!
Let's remember our Savior this week!  I'm blessed to have the opportunity to testify that He lives everyday! I know without a doubt in my mind that he was born into the humblest of beginnings, and that he lived a perfect life even though Satan tempted him daily.  He taught big things plainly and simply not only with words but by His example! He suffered, bled from every pore, was beaten, humiliated, and murdered so that we can feel peace in the midst of adversity and feel clean after we sin! He died, but more importantly, He lived again! He lives, and we will live again too. I testify that we can only reach our divine goal of eternal families through Him! Don't let this sacrifice go in vain this Christmas!  Serve one another as He would serve! Give to those in need, comfort those in need of comfort. I don't believe the Savior would spend Christmas in his home, He would spend it with the needy! EL es la Dádiva. Feliz Navidad!
This past Sunday we had a miracle! We promised our investigator, Maria Jesus, that if she made the promise with God to go to church every Sunday possible that she would conquer any sickness...So this Tuesday we were happy to hear that her minor heart problem went away, and then she gave us all her coffee :) She'll be baptized the 10th of January! I know God hears and answers our prayers, and that He ALWAYS keeps His promises!
Smile lots cause your a child of God!
Elder Minnick

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